Selling Residential SOCKS5 US Proxies - Rune Proxies [99.99% Uptime][UHQ SOCKS5 Proxies][Clean Proxies][Residential Quality][Bulk Discounts]

Rune Proxies.

Rune Proxies offer clean proxies that have never been used for RS.

Each proxy only belongs to you, so no one will ever be using the same one as you.

They’re not generated proxies (AWS, Azure, etc), and they appear to Jagex as residential but they have the speed and stability of being hosted in a datacenter. (

The pricing is $4/proxy per month or $2/proxy per week.

Looking to purchase a large amount? Rune Proxies offer bulk discounts!

We accept BTC/PayPal/and RS GP.

TL;DR: Rune Proxies are private use, run at 99.99% uptime, 10GBPS, and appear as a residential IP.

Interested in purchasing/finding out more?

Reply to this post, PM me, or message me on Discord: Elliott#7799

Rune Proxies Discord: